Spiritually-Minded Over-Achievers

The Over-Achiever's Guide To Spiritual Awakening

From the Heart of Kelle Sparta

Boquete, Panama

Hello Lovelies,

Are you ready to be as much of a badass on the inside as you are on the outside?

Your success is waiting for you.

Here’s the Secret:

Stop Taking a Scattershot Approach To Your Spiritual
Growth - It Doesn’t Work.

You Need The Recipe For Healing and Happiness.

You bought 28 books, binged 17 episodes of 8 different podcasts, watched 63 videos, attended 4 retreats, and took 11 classes. Do you feel better? Did you silence your inner critic? Did your fear of being hurt go away? Did your impostor syndrome transform into extreme confidence?

I didn’t think so.

That’s because this scattershot approach to growth doesn’t work.

I know it’s been the only path available to you. It’s not your fault. The entire spiritual growth world has forever been shrouded in mystery, and now it’s also buried in a sea of marketers masquerading as spiritual teachers.

So you test this path and that - always hoping the next thing will work. And you may make incremental progress, but at this speed, you’ll die before you truly feel BETTER.

Even when something works, it works in a vacuum from all the other things you’ve learned and all the other work you’ve done.

To grow spiritually, you need to know: personal growth, energy healing & metaphysics, and some wellness studies too. But until now, there hasn’t been any place to find information that crosses over all these genres.

Those lines of study exist separately from one another and therefore, connecting the dots between them is something you had to do on your own. And let me tell you, that’s not easy.

I’ve been studying these three worlds for over 45 years and I’m still having a-ha’s about how they interrelate.

My podcast, Spirit Sherpa, has had over 260,000 downloads because it does some of this stitching together for the listeners. I’m a transformational shaman, a psychic, a medium, a channel, an empath, and an energy healer.

I’ve spent the last two decades helping thousands of students to grasp how their inner journey works, how to find healing, and why the paths they’ve taken in the past didn’t bear fruit.

There is a distinct path that leads to happiness. It’s an elusive one that requires a knowledge of what to do - in what order - and a perspective shift to be able to grasp the concepts. Without these two things, you won’t get anywhere.

I know because I watched my mother try and fail over and over again to heal her wounds. She quit and ultimately died before she ever managed to make progress.

That doesn’t have to be you. You should get to LIVE before you die.

Are you ready to draw the connections between everything you’ve learned so that you can finally put it all to use?

See If This Sounds Familiar To You

Before I Learned These Secrets I Was

  • Stressed out and anxious all the time

  • ​When someone would ask for time to talk with me, I would assume that I was in trouble and I wouldn’t be able to think of anything else

  • ​I’d have angry outbursts - taking out my upset on those around me - and then feel horrible afterward.

  • I’d have arguments with people in my head over and over again - instead of actually telling someone I was upset

  • ​I was at the bottom of my own priority list, so I was always exhausted but powering through

  • ​I was constantly monitoring the people around me to make sure they were happy and if they weren’t I was trying to make them happy

  • ​I was a chameleon - changing myself to fit what I thought others wanted me to be

  • ​I was living behind a mask of perfection - and I could never live up to my own standards so I always felt like I was never quite good enough

  • ​At the same time, I felt like no one was as good as I was - I got more done in a day than most people got done in a week - and yet I never really celebrated those successes

  • ​I was living behind a mask of perfection - and I could never live up to my own standards so I always felt like I was never quite good enough

  • At the same time, I felt like no one was as good as I was - I got more done in a day than most people got done in a week - and yet I never really celebrated those successes

  • ​I never asked for help - I felt like it was a sign of weakness

  • ​I never felt loved (in fact I feared that I was unlovable), so I was needy in my relationships, constantly asking my partners “what are you thinking?” Hoping for a positive response while fearing they were upset with me even when I had no reason to think so

  • ​I was angry all the time. Angry at my father, angry at myself, angry at anyone who got in the way of my progress in any way. My business partner in our real estate practice actually used to use putting me on the phone as a threat to other agents because I had a scorched earth reputation for my outbursts.

  • ​I had to be right - even when I wasn’t. Being right was the only way I could establish my value and when I was wrong I felt like I was worthless. So if it looked like I was wrong, I would change the subject to something I could be right on.

  • ​I cared deeply for others, so I would often stand up for them - whether they asked me to or not. I took on other people’s problems as a badge of honor

  • ​I had a hard time setting boundaries.

  • ​Being an empath, I had no idea where I ended and other people began - so I didn’t know if something I was feeling was even my emotion.

  • ​I never felt comfortable in my own skin. I was always on guard for something to go wrong.

  • ​I had a plan, a backup plan, and a backup plan for my backup plan for every situation.

  • I never asked for help - I felt like it was a sign of weakness

  • I never felt loved (in fact I feared that I was unlovable), so I was needy in my relationships, constantly asking my partners “what are you thinking?” Hoping for a positive response while fearing they were upset with me even when I had no reason to think so

  • I was angry all the time. Angry at my father, angry at myself, angry at anyone who got in the way of my progress in any way. My business partner in our real estate practice actually used to use putting me on the phone as a threat to other agents because I had a scorched earth reputation for my outbursts

  • ​I had to be right - even when I wasn’t. Being right was the only way I could establish my value and when I was wrong I felt like I was worthless. So if it looked like I was wrong, I would change the subject to something I could be right on.

  • ​I cared deeply for others, so I would often stand up for them - whether they asked me to or not. I took on other people’s problems as a badge of honor

  • ​I had a hard time setting boundaries.

  • ​Being an empath, I had no idea where I ended and other people began - so I didn’t know if something I was feeling was even my emotion.

  • ​I never felt comfortable in my own skin. I was always on guard for something to go wrong.

  • ​I had a plan, a backup plan, and a backup plan for my backup plan for every situation.

Would You Like To Feel Like This?

After I Learned The Secrets

  • I now feel comfortable and confident in myself.

  • I am calm and no longer monitor those around me

  • ​I am always myself - because that is more than enough.

  • ​I feel loved in my relationships and in my life in general

  • ​My moments of anger are rare and short-lived and I can process the anger without taking it out on others

  • ​I speak my truth, even if it means setting boundaries or telling someone I am upset about something.

  • ​I have a solid hold on my energy field and open and close it at will. In fact, another presenter at an event recently commented on my mastery of this.

  • ​I now give from my overflow rather than my emptiness and I hold a place of top priority on my own priority list.

  • ​I let others see me, because I love myself and I know they will too when they get to know me because I am inherently lovable.

  • I have no problem being wrong because my value isn’t based on being right. In fact, I’m happy to be proven wrong because then I get the opportunity to learn something new.

  • ​I allow others to fight their own battles and don’t intercede unless asked. And sometimes not even then if I think it’s not my fight or they don’t really need me.

  • ​I expect that things will go well and I trust in my ability to adapt if they don’t go according to my plan.

  • ​Because I expect things to go well, I have exactly one plan. I make no backup plans. I know that I have so mastered planning that I can come up with a new plan in a few seconds if it is needed.

I grew up in the New Age movement. My mother was constantly playing self-help and spiritual cassettes (yes, I’m old). I was doing self-hypnosis by the age of 10 and reading tarot cards by the age of 12. And yet, even with all of this in my upbringing, it still took me a LONG time to solve my inner problems.

And I’m not convinced that I could do it if I started again today. The reason for this is that when I was doing my seeking, the only books being published were from authors who were serious seekers themselves. Today, 45 years later, every marketer out there has slapped some lipstick on some basic spiritual aphorism and is passing it off as the second coming.

Today it’s so much harder. And that’s why I felt compelled to write this book. (Truth be told, my students have been asking me to write this book for several years now.)

I spent 25 years seeking out the solutions to all my problems. Notice I said “seeking out”. Most of the time it takes to do spiritual growth is spent searching for the answers. The actual implementation of those answers only takes about 1/10th of the time it takes to find them.

The problem isn’t that spiritual growth is necessarily hard. It’s that most people give up looking for the answers before they find them.

With this book, I am taking the searching out of the equation.

Don’t get me wrong, spiritual growth takes work, and courage to look at the things you’ve been running from. But you’re an overachiever, right? You’ve got those in spades.

What you don’t have is a lot of time. That’s why I wrote this book for you.

Why This Book Is What You Need

The first thing that’s hard without the book is identifying what your wounds/blocks are.

This is why in Chapter 2, I spend time outlining the 38 different wounds that are most common for those on a spiritual path. Not only do I tell you what those are, but I also tell you where they likely came from, and I give you at least a start on how to begin to feel better.

I can do this because I spent years doing over 3000 energy scans for people on a spiritual path and I found that, without exception, every one of them had some of these wounds.

That means it’s probable that many of these will apply to you too.

The next thing that’s hard is identifying what to do about those blocks and that’s why I give you some action steps for each.

Then, it’s about not falling into the spiritual traps that will show up along the way. That’s why in Chapter 6 I outline many of the spiritual traps that you will experience, how to recognize that you’re in them, and how to get out of them.

Let me be clear. This isn’t the spiritual equivalent of a “get rich quick” guide.

It’s a curriculum for people who are serious about wanting a better experience of life and are willing to work hard to get there.

Nothing can take away your pain overnight. In fact, in Chapter 7 where I talk about the Stages of Spiritual Growth, I point out that transcending Stage 3 requires that you give up the idea of there being a magic pill that will solve all your problems. You have to recognize that YOU are the magic pill and the answers reside inside of you.

Oceana LeBlanc

Goddess Oceana

High Priestess

❝Kelle is more than a coach, more than a leader, more than a teacher. She does something that is brilliant beyond explanation… She’s bright, deeply intuitive, intensely capable, and genius…she will peer into your soul, grasp the core of your passion with the utmost grace, and hold you like a mother while you watch with awe as she dusts it off and polishes it into the magnificent masterpiece you always suspected it was but were afraid to believe. Kelle believes you into success. If she is near you and has her arms out, go for the full embrace. You will be forever grateful that you did❞

What I do is offer you a travelers’ guide to navigating your inner landscape. I can’t take the journey for you. You have to do that yourself (or with me, as spiritual coaching clients do). If this isn’t something you are willing to do, then this isn’t the book for you.

But if you are the true seeker I think you are, then you will find spiritual gold in this book.

Get The Complete Guide To Shortening Your Path To
Happiness and Inner Peace

The book I have for sale on this page is The Over-Achiever’s Guide to Nailing Your Spiritual Growth In Record Time.

It is the curriculum for spiritual growth that you have been unconsciously seeking - the one that will make your journey so much faster and more efficient.

You can buy it if you want.

It’s only $25

Why so cheap? Because I want everyone who is serious about their spiritual path to have one. It’s that important.

If you like it, maybe you’ll decide to apply to be a student of mine.

Or maybe you’ll use the info to go out and rock it on your own.

Either way, I’ve done what I’ve set out to do which is to shorten the distance for you.

Here is Some of What You’ll Discover Inside The Book

  • Why you may be an energy vampire and how to stop being one (Chapter 2)

  • ​The core reason why you feel needy in relationships (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you have a hard time trusting yourself and others (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you’re constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop even when things are going well (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you are limiting access to your own power - keeping you from another level of success that should be yours to claim (Chapter 2)

  • ​How to avoid the spiritual traps that many people fall into (Chapter 6)

  • ​How to identify what type of spiritual seeker you are (Intro)

  • ​What the Stages of Spiritual Growth are and how to identify which stage you’re in (Chapter 7)

  • ​How to avoid retraumatizing yourself when doing your spiritual healing work (Chapter 3)

  • ​Why you avoid conflict and how to make conflict easier to manage (Chapter 2)

  • ​The root of impostor syndrome and how to address it (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why, despite you having done tons for them in the past, your friends will look like you’ve lost your mind on the rare occasion you ask them for help (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you never ask for help (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why that wall you’ve built around your heart isn’t the great coping mechanism you believe it to be (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you feel like you’re never good enough (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you may have a hard time doing creative, artistic projects (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why wine-o’clock, shopping, and other activities aren’t going to make you feel better (Chapter 2)

  • ​Why you periodically get overwhelmed, shut down, and completely ignore everyone (Chapter 2)

  • What gaslighting is and why you may have experienced it (Chapter 2)

  • ​What the 2 spiritual tests are that you have to pass in order to heal (Chapter 3)

  • ​What the pre-work is that you need to complete before starting your spiritual healing (Chapter 3)

  • ​What the process of outer change is and how to navigate it (Chapter 5)

  • ​How to navigate inner change without quitting too soon (Chapter 5)

  • ​What the 3 stages of healing are and the order in which they must be engaged to be effective (Chapter 3)

  • ​What the mental/emotional and energetic elements of emotional safety are (Chapter 3)

  • ​What the foundation of emotional safety is created from (Chapter 3)

  • ​How to identify if your identity isn’t fully formed (Chapter 3)

  • ​The elements of solidifying your identity and your personal power (Chapter 3)

  • ​Why it’s important not to quit when you start a spiritual process (Chapter 3)

  • ​What are the essential mindset elements for optimized spiritual growth (Chapter 4)

  • ​Why your focus is the most important thing in any change process (Chapter 5)

  • ​A test to determine if you are spiritually bypassing or growing (Chapter 6)

  • ​How to avoid getting caught in the trap of spiritual doing (Chapter 6)

  • ​Why positivity may not actually be your friend (Chapter 6)

  • ​Why forgiving too soon can actually hamstring your growth (Chapter 6)

  • ​Why self-care is such a trope and still important anyway (Chapter 6)

  • ​How your identity can be your greatest gift and your greatest trap (Chapter 6)

Daniel John Hanneman

CEO, Academy for
Invincible Healers

❝Kelle is a very powerful presence that allows your deepest wounds to emerge and be released. Her shamanic work is AMAZING and truly a precious gift. I know that her work has shifted me in ways that I have experienced with no one else. If you want to experience a BIG SHIFT of your deepest wounds, I strongly recommend that you work with her.❞

❝Kelle’s healing abilities are gentle and so straightforward. When I want to hear the truth and clarity around my actions, I talk to Kelle. When my body needs nurturing and balance , I talk to Kelle. Kelle holds this amazing space of safety and groundness that allows for me to do deep and transformational work. This allows for my growth which allows me to do my work. Thanks Kelle.❞

Susan Angelo

Shaman, Shamanic
Spirit Song

Robyn Mellish

❝Sometimes someone says something that can completely change the way you view things. That gives you so much food for thought that it almost stops you in your tracks. Kelle Sparta Thank you. You have tipped my world on its axis but in the way that I needed. Do I have work to do to melt down the tape that runs in my head? Yes but you have gifted me with a powerful tool to work with. Already I can feel the shifts in the depths that will flow upward into all things. Can’t wait to see what comes out!❞

❝I have been working with Kelle for several years. As an Executive Coach, Kelle has helped me evolve and grow in so many ways. Kelle has provided guidance that has led me to minimize self-doubt, has empowered me to think BIGGER, and enabled me to tackle several obstacles - one hurdle at a time. As I continue to grow, Kelle has been a primary enabler to my success by preparing me for those next steps in my career. Her thoughtful approach is unique and powerful; unlike others in the industry, Kelle leverages her unique abilities to enhance your experience as a client. I absolutely cherish the work we have done together and am thankful to have such a partner in my career development. ❞

Cassi Wika

This Method Works Even If You’ve

Tried To Grow And Failed Before

You might be thinking that you’ll need to retraumatize yourself in order to finally heal but actually in Chapter 3, The Stages of Healing, I outline exactly why some people do retraumatize themselves by accident and how you can avoid doing it.

(Hint: over-achievers are far more likely to do this than other people because we love to skip steps.)

That’s why I’m so excited to be sharing this book with you today.

Act Now And Get These 3 Bonuses For Free!

Bonus #1.

Boundaries for Empaths Mini-Course

Most spiritual seekers are empaths and this contributes to them feeling energetically unsafe. This program will show you how to change how you hold your energy field so you can begin to feel safer. (Which is the first step to healing.)

Bonus #2.

Tree Meditation Video

This is the solution to the wound of being in The Energetic Fetal Position that I reference in the book. I wanted you to have it for a quick solution to this issue. Plus, it’s great for connecting with the Earth and the Universe for more energy and connection to your guides and your higher self.

Bonus #3.

Stress Reduction Sound Healing

You won’t be able to focus if you’re too stressed out, so I’m providing this sound healing to allow you to chill out enough to take in new information.

This unique, vocal-only sound healing will shift your energy.

Reader Reviews


I found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! What a treasure this book is! It is EXACTLY what I was searching for and needed as I began my personal growth journey. I was so frustrated starting out sifting through information. Nothing I found was organized and concise in one place. Nothing laid out a step-by-step plan. I was overwhelmed, confused, and a little scared. Then...I found Kelle's book that breaks everything down into easily digestible bite-size pieces. She explains key foundational concepts as well as real-life spiritual wound symptoms and starter healing steps. Not only could I see myself throughout the lessons in this book, I saw a path of healing laid out for me in a straightforward, compassionate, pulling-no-punches manner. Kelle, thank you for your wisdom, guidance, and genuineness. Through your writing, I was able to heal a lifetime of wounds, take my power back, and transform myself into my authentic spiritual warrior self.

-Jewell Freeman


Kelle Sparta is a living guide of our world. She has dedicated her life to helping others find a way through their pain and into the light- sometimes not without resistance. ‘The Over Achiever’s Guide’ is another step in the way she is spreading her love to others and doing just that. We all have pain to some extent, but those of us who were left surviving in a world we saw as dark and cold, needing to prove ourselves incessantly and accept treatment that just piled on more pain- need this book. We need to see there is another way and unless you have the tools to understand each piece and step- it seems impossible. We need to understand that change happens slowly and yet also only with the intention and desire to do so, that each time we own our power, embrace kindness, and walk without judgment we help ourselves, our families, and the whole world.

This book is for anyone who, like me, was sick, exhausted, and heartbroken at the state of life and the universe you live in. It holds many truths that help you start to understand yourself, your patterns, and most importantly your part in owning both continuing it and stopping it. It cannot remove our fear or survival habits, or take away our trauma. It can, however, allow us to do all of those things. And every single one of us can, with the right information and tools. Thank you, Kelle, for putting this all together and providing so many the ability to live a much brighter, fuller life, continuing to heal, grow, and be able to accept all of the love that the universe provides.

-Laura Delamater


I found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! What a treasure this book is! It is EXACTLY what I was searching for and needed as I began my personal growth journey. I was so frustrated starting out sifting through information. Nothing I found was organized and concise in one place. Nothing laid out a step-by-step plan. I was overwhelmed, confused, and a little scared. Then...I found Kelle's book that breaks everything down into easily digestible bite-size pieces. She explains key foundational concepts as well as real-life spiritual wound symptoms and starter healing steps. Not only could I see myself throughout the lessons in this book, I saw a path of healing laid out for me in a straightforward, compassionate, pulling-no-punches manner. Kelle, thank you for your wisdom, guidance, and genuineness. Through your writing, I was able to heal a lifetime of wounds, take my power back, and transform myself into my authentic spiritual warrior self.

- Michelle Douglas


Kelle Sparta is a knowledgeable guide spotlighting how folks can transform from inner chaos to calm. She uses a fair amount of irreverence and a little snark which makes it a fun & engaging read. In this book, Kelle provides the how-to steps & identifies the stages that you will go through once you have committed yourself to this journey. It is filled with her wisdom and experience & is a way to engage in a love affair with expansion.

- Christine Gautreaux, Co-Author of Stillpoint: A Self-Care Playbook for Caregivers to Find Ease, and Time to Breathe, and Reclaim Joy & the co-host of Women Connected in Wisdom Podcast.

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Get Your Copy Of

The Over-Achiever’s Guide to Nailing Your Spiritual Growth
In Record Time NOW

See you on the inside,

Kelle Sparta

The Spirit Doctor

Transformational Shaman

TL;DR Recap of this ultra-long page for those who hate reading:

  • Learn the fastest ways to significantly reduce your stress levels, shut down your inner critic, and learn to love yourself - and it’s not taking more classes or buying more books.

  • ​The stress, upset and anxiety you are experiencing now can disappear. Not overnight, but faster than you imagine is possible.

  • The book covers a TON of material on dealing with your emotional/mental and energetic healing - specifically 38 common blocks/wounds that are common to people on a spiritual path. I did over 3000 energy scans to identify these blocks.

  • ​This book makes your spiritual journey 10 times faster by eliminating the time it takes wandering around in the dark looking for what answers will work.

  • ​It will work even if you’ve tried to grow before and failed - and you don’t have to retraumatize yourself.

Jenna Forster

Executive Coach

❝In my first session with Kelle she was able to cut right through to what really mattered.

I have worked with a lot of coaches and Kelle is top notch. If you are looking for an authentic conversation with real, tangible outcomes, then Kelle is the coach for you…

… What an honor to spend a Private Day with Kelle! We dove right in and created things that I have been trying to work through for years. I highly recommend making the Private Day commitment, you’ll never look back!

My hat goes off to you Kelle.❞

About Me

In 1998, when I was 28, I took a hard look at my life. By all outward definitions, I was successful. I owned a big home, I had a successful business, a gorgeous husband, and I was a pillar of my community serving as President of a local non-profit.

But I was miserable. My marriage had been in a cold war power struggle for years and I couldn’t figure a path out. I had burned out on my business years earlier and it was a struggle to go to work. I was hiding in the (troubled) non-profit, focusing on turning it around to avoid the fact that my life was a mess.

So I leveled my life. I divorced my husband, I sold the house and the business, I quit the non-profit and I moved out of state to live with a bunch of people I met at the Renaissance Faire. My former business partner said that I had run off and joined the circus and he wasn’t quite wrong.

The next four years would be ones of growth and magick. I had moved in with people who were all on a spiritual path - shamans, witches, and others. And this journey would take me into myself in ways I had never anticipated.

At the end of my time in that house, I went on walkabout - going out into the world until I found myself. I was homeless, following where spirit told me to go, living on the kindness of strangers and $350/mo. of unemployment insurance. That journey taught me to trust the Universe, where I ended and other people began (yep - I’m an empath too), and that I was actually valuable to people, they weren’t just being nice.

The journey also marked the beginning of the work I do today. Beginning on walkabout and every day since I have done my personal work and then written down only the things I did that worked. That journal has become the programs that I teach today - the spiritual express train to happiness. The journey begins with Inner Peace 101 and you’re invited to come along.

Over the years, I have put my life together and ripped it apart many times to finally make it into the one I want. I have also dug through my inner closets removing limiting beliefs, accepting the “ugly bits” and moving into a more heartful expression of myself.

Doing this work has allowed me to create a life that is not only successful but filled with love. I met the love of my life and married him under a cherry tree in 2015. We both agree that six months earlier we wouldn’t have been ready for each other. Growth counts.

Success isn’t worth having if you’re miserable. I know, I’ve been there. I want you to have a life that isn’t just existing but is filled with LIVING. You deserve it. We all do.

Here’s a Recap of What’s Included with
Your Order Today:

  • How To Nail Your Spiritual Growth in Record Time

  • BONUS #1: Boundaries for Empaths Mini-Course

  • BONUS #2: Tree Meditation Video

  • BONUS #3: Stress Reduction Sound Healing

For Just $25!


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